Sunday, May 16, 2010

The children of the Holocaust

Children of the Holocaust

Questions for Maus I

1. Why do you think the author decided to depict the various characters as different animals (cats, pigs, mice) ?
    I think that he chose the G.Jews to be mice and the G.Christians to be cats because the mice are scared of the cats and they run and hide from them.

2.. Many people have critiqued the author for depicting such a serious topic in a comic book format. What is your opinion on this and why do you think he decided to do this?

I think that he did this in order to catch peoples attention and to entertain the reader in such a sad matter.

3. In chapter four we see some Jews who have been hanged by the Germans. What other "noose" is tightening in this chapter?

4. "Prisoner on the Hell Planet" in chapter 5 uses people as characters rather than animals. Why does the author do this? Why is Art portrayed as a prisoner?

5. Art ends the book by calling his father a murderer. Why does he use such a strong word and what do you think he means by this?

Holocaust survivior

I enjoyed hearing Edith's survivior story, its incredible to know that someone survived this horrible event. I think i would've given up, but I admire her for such acomplishment, I also take her as an inspirational person because is exactly like she said... "If I could do it you girls can do it" that motivates me to do big things in life, to keep pushing forward, to not give up because I know I can do it.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

May 1st. march at Down Town San Diego

At the march on May 1st. I personally really enjoyed it. I went with my baby's dad it was amazing how many people were there. While we were walking I saw some racist white guy hit  this other man in the head, and he took the flag he had and threw it to the floor, that made me really mad, its hard to believe how much hate a person can have over an issue like this. However i am really happy to know that theres people out there that are willing to protest and speak up to be heard and make a change in this country.... AND REMEMBER CHICANOS UNIDOS JAMAS SERAN VENCIDOS!!!!